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五金零件硬面螺丝工业软管电线3D模型16图库网精选MAX OBJ 格式素材

今天16图库给大家分享的这款3D模型资源名称为:五金零件硬面螺丝工业软管电线3D模型MAX OBJ 格式素材,内容与五金3D,螺丝3D,软管3D,电线3D,MAX,OBJ,3DMAX,BOJ相关,文件大小为1.19 GB,模型文件格式为未分类。

This is a 360+ piece set of canisters, bolts, knobs, cables, hoses and tubes (all of my current libraries combined) ready to be used for high poly additions to your models/concepts.

Models are in Max 2013 format as well as obj. I've included "master" Max files that contain all the objects. One file has the objects evenly spaced, and one has every object at the origin for importing ease into other scenes. All meshes are named appropriately with basic material separations. There are no UV's on the meshes.
objs were exported with no smoothing applied so they can be imported into maya, zbrush, etc. easily. (please note that I have only tested the obj's in zbrush and maya, so some adjustments to the obj's might be needed based on what package is being used)
Individual jpeg icons have also been included to make it easier to know what piece to import.

(以下内容翻译软件直翻 自行理解)


模型采用Max 2013格式以及obj。我已经包含了包含所有对象的“master”Max文件。一个文件具有均匀间隔的对象,并且一个文件在原点处具有用于将其轻松导入其他场景的对象。所有网格都使用基本材质分色进行适当命名。网格上没有UV。

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    1.19 GB
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