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今天16图库给大家分享的这款3D模型资源名称为:Hasami瓷套-水杯瓶子3D模型,内容与水杯3D,瓶子3D,3D模型,3DMAX,MAX,TEX相关,文件大小为23 MB,模型文件格式为未分类。

3dsMax 2014 + obj (Vray+Corona)
29.04 MB
2019.05.12 18:58
dishes, ceramics, plate, a bowl, container, tray, cup, glass, teapot, sugar bowl, creamer, carafe, spoon, napkin, towel
Two compositions from dishes Hasami Porcelain.
All ceramics can be made in 3 colors - black, light gray and natural, the materials of the models are interchangeable.
Wood 2 colors, trays materials are interchangeable.

Polys: 34,246
Verts: 34 502

The archive scene 3ds max 2014 and file obj.
On all objects Turbosmooth.

Materials for Corona and Vray. If your version of V-Ray is lower than 3.1, note: in the materials in the BRDF section, there is a Microfaset GTR (GGX). In older versions of Vray, the BRDF field will be blank. Select Blinn, Phong or Ward.

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关键词: 水杯3d 瓶子3d


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