16图库素材网今天分享的这款来自海外顶尖设计师的网站模板素材,名称为基于Angular 7 CLI设计的网站管理后台模板 Admin Press Angular 7 dashboard Template,文件格式SASS,HTML,文件大小19.77 MB。作品主题与Admin Templates,Angular,Angular CLI,网站模板,网站管理后台有关,希望能对你的创作带来帮助。
这组模板是用Angular 7 CLI创建的,您可以轻易的修改编辑这个模板。
+ 3+ Different Dashboards
+ 5 Different Demos
+ Angular 7
+ 6 Pre-Defined Color Skins
+ Clean and Creative Landing Page Included (Free $18)
+ Light and Dark Color Schemes
+ 250+ pages
+ 30+ Angular Components
+ Lots of widgets
+ 2000+ Fonts Icons
+ Fully Responsive pages
+ SaSS Base CSS
+ Easy to customize
+ Many Charts Options
+ Multi File upload
+ Lots of Table Examples
+ Validation Forms
+ Data Table
+ Megamenu
+ Mail box
+ Inbox detail
+ Compose mail
+ Calendar (New)
+ Task Board (New)
UI Elements
+ Cards
+ Buttons
+ Toasters
+ Accordions
+ Tabs
+ Editor
+ Timeline
+ Dropdown
+ Multi-File Uploads
+ Modals
+ Progress Bars
+ Notifications
+ Carousel
+ Pricings
+ Tooltips
+ Paginations
+ Ratings
+ Time Picker (New)
+Drag & Drop
+ Invoice (New)
+ Basic Forms
+ Form Validation
+ Form Typehead
+ Date Picker
Other Pages
+ Utility Classes (New)
+ Login Page
+ Animations (New)
+ Profile
+ Invoice
+ Pricing
+ Register
+ Recover Password
+ Error 404
+ Chart-js
+ Chartis Js
+ Basic Tables
+ Smart Tables (New)
+ Data Table
+ Font awesome
+ Themify Icons
+ Simple line Icons
+ Google Material Icons
More Features
+ Calendar
+ Multi-Level Dropdown
+ Log out
+ Support
+ Documentation
-Ng bootstraps
-Angular framework
-Font Awesome icons
-Material Icons
Initial Release
Initial Release